Sven C. Berger


contact / privacy policy

reach me via e-mail to e-mail address in image

hard facts

I work in the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). Before, I was a Ph.D. student at Goethe University in Frankfurt, working as a research assistant at the associated E-Finance Lab, after having graduated from HfB Business School (now: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) in Frankfurt and spent a semester abroad at IIM Ahmedabad in India. I used to work as a project manager in the performance management division of a retail bank for several years.

main interests

I am a great admirer of theatre, music, independent films, good food and travelling. From time to time you can find me hiking, swimming or acting.


I contributed to some non-profit organizations in the past - from a local worldshop in Scherfede over an internet support association to my former university's students council. Nowadays, I am member of different organizations.